Comparing CloudLinux Pricing Options: Which Plan is Right for You?


Comparing CloudLinux Pricing Options: Which Plan is Right for You?

Hello, vps.rujukannews.com readers! CloudLinux is a popular operating system that is specifically designed for shared hosting servers. It provides server stability, security, and performance optimization for web hosting providers and their customers. With different pricing options available, it can be challenging to determine which plan is right for you. In this article, we will explore the different CloudLinux pricing options and help you decide which plan best suits your needs.

Standard Plan

The CloudLinux Standard Plan is perfect for small to medium-sized web hosting providers. Priced at $14.95 per month, this plan includes essential features such as LVE Manager, CageFS, and PHP Selector. With support for up to 10 accounts, it is an ideal choice for those looking to improve server stability and security.

Professional Plan

For larger web hosting providers, the CloudLinux Professional Plan offers more advanced features and support for up to 20 accounts. Priced at $34.95 per month, this plan includes additional benefits such as HardenedPHP and KernelCare. It is an excellent option for those looking to optimize server performance and enhance security.

Enterprise Plan

The CloudLinux Enterprise Plan is designed for hosting providers with extensive server requirements. Priced at $84.95 per month, this plan supports an unlimited number of accounts and includes all the features of the Professional Plan, plus additional benefits such as CloudLinux Insights and extended support options. It is the perfect choice for those looking for maximum server stability and security.

Choosing the Right Plan

When comparing CloudLinux pricing options, it is essential to consider your specific needs and requirements. If you are a small hosting provider with a limited number of accounts, the Standard Plan may be sufficient for your needs. However, if you are looking to scale your operations and require advanced features, the Professional or Enterprise Plan may be more suitable.

It is also essential to factor in your budget when selecting a CloudLinux plan. While the Enterprise Plan offers the most comprehensive features, it may not be necessary for all hosting providers. Consider your budget and requirements carefully to determine which plan is the best fit for your business.


In conclusion, CloudLinux offers a range of pricing options to cater to the needs of web hosting providers of all sizes. Whether you are a small hosting provider looking to improve server stability or a large hosting provider requiring advanced security features, there is a CloudLinux plan that is right for you. Consider your specific requirements, budget, and goals when choosing a plan, and you will be able to enjoy the benefits of CloudLinux on your servers.

Thank you for reading this article on comparing CloudLinux pricing options. We hope it has helped you make an informed decision about which plan is right for you. See you again in another interesting article!
